Monday, July 18, 2011


This recipe gave me a chance to use some ingredients that I have never used before, such as cardamom pods, lemongrass, and coriander seeds.  It reminded me of comfort food.  The flavors were not bold, but there was something easy and good about it.  I am still not sure what lemongrass and coriander seeds added to the flavors.  The curry powder tended to overpower the flavor structure.  I am also not sure I tasted the effects of the lemon peel.  The only way to discover the effects these ingredients have on the recipe would be to make it without them and  see what flavors are missing.  Ed thought it needed more punch.  He agreed the with "Scrounging to Scrumptious" author. The other question I have is what makes this "French"?  It seems to be a very "Indian" inspired dish.    I think this is a recipe I will repeat in the dead of winter when I want something "cozy" to eat!